
Thursday, August 1, 2013

Script to mass enable users for Exchange UM

During Lync deployments, I have often run into the need to mass enable multiple users for Unified Messaging. To do this, I altered an existing script (I cannot remember where I found it) to do this using a CSV file. Here is the script:

if ($args[0] -eq $null) 
$userNameFile = read-host "Please enter the full path of the .csv file with user aliases."
$usernamefile  = $usernamefile -replace '"',"" 
} else {
$usernamefile = $args[0]
if($userNameFile -ne "") 
$csv=import-csv $userNameFile 
} else {
"Unable to find a valid CSV with user Aliases, extensions and UM policy name. Please try again later."
foreach($c in $csv )
"Enabling  User " + $c.Alias + " using UM mailbox policy = " + $c.umpolicy
Enable-ummailbox -id $c.Alias -PinExpired $True -ummailboxpolicy $c.umpolicy -extensions $c.extension   

The CSV file for this script will look like this:
Alias extensions umpolicy
User1 1234 Policy Name
User2 1235 Policy Name
User3 1236 Policy Name

The Alias column can contain any of the following values for the Identity parameter:
  • ADObjectID
  • GUID
  • Distinguished name (DN)
  • Domain\Account 
  • user principal name (UPN)
  • LegacyExchangeDN
  • SmtpAddress
  • Alias
If you want the PIN to not prompt the user to change it on first log on, change the -PinExpired value to $False. You can also manually set the PIN if the need arises by adding '-Pin $' to the Enable-ummailbox line and add a column to the CSV file with the header of 'pin'.

Let me know if you have any questions or comments about this script. Hope this helps.


  1. Hi there and thanks for this.
    Do you know a way to set the extension? And also do u need to enter a sip resource identifyer?

    1. The script does set the extension and you do not need to enter a SIP resource identifier unless you want to assign a specific one.

  2. This also could be a solution...
